Sponsored by FishTrack. Photos by Charlie Levine If you want to improve your MahiMahi fillets, follow the process used by this Costa Rican mate who works on the Sea Fix out of Los Sueños, Costa Rica. Start by running a sharp knife like the Bubba Blade 7-inch flex up the backbone of the fish. Carefully work Read More

Ask the Captain Categories
4 Common Travel Disorders & How to Manage Them
Sponsored by DAN Boater While travel can be fun, it can expose you to obvious as well as hidden hazards, possibly causing illness or exacerbating existing health issues. Lack of sleep combined with stress, dehydration, increased exertion levels, musculoskeletal stresses and a change in medical-care delivery systems could have an impact on the traveler. A Read More
Travel Insurance & DAN Boater
The convergence of improved telecommunications and increased worldwide travel has opened the door to companies interested in serving the medical needs of travelers. The last few years have seen significant growth in travel medical insurance, telemedicine and travel evacuation services. Many of these are traditional insurance companies expanding their offerings, some are just integrators bringing Read More
Reliable Diesel Fuel Matters
Diesel fuel is the lifeblood of the main engines and generators aboard every yacht. If left unmanaged, diesel fuel quality can degrade rather quickly rendering it harmful rather than helpful to an engine. The first step in assuring reliable fuel is developing a three-part fuel preventive maintenance program: sampling, testing and polishing. As with all Read More
Talking Heads: Communicating On A Boat
Any type of maneuvering in close quarters, whether it’s docking, anchoring or picking up a mooring ball requires proper planning, cooperation and communication between the person at the helm and the person handling lines on the deck of the boat. Depending on the size and configuration of your boat, that could be an easy or Read More
Bottom Painting
Sometimes it’s easy to believe everything was better back in the “good ole’ days.” That certainly seems to be the case with our boat’s bottom paint. There was a sense the antifouling coating we applied to our boat’s underwater surfaces, performed better when they contained a witch’s brew of environmental toxins. Contrary to our fear Read More
Tips on Maintaining Clean and Healthy Waterways
This issue of Smart Boater is devoted to helping keep our waterways clean and healthy for all of us to enjoy. Let’s face it, nobody enjoys boating, fishing or swimming in dirty water. Boaters are best suited to be guardians of our water because we are closer to it and enjoy it more than the Read More
Which Dinghy is Right for You?
Whether you call it a dinghy or a tender, whether it’s on your “boat” or your “yacht,” that little boat you use to get to shore from a mooring or anchorage represents a substantial investment and an important part of your boating pleasure. The successful purchase of a dinghy requires a careful review of both Read More
VHF Radio Use
When you want to communicate with someone today, you would likely reach for your ever-present mobile phone. But in marine safety circles, there is a concern the reliance on mobile phones is causing many boaters to overlook one of the most useful safety features aboard your boat — the common VHF radio. Conceptually, VHF radios Read More
First Aid
When injuries or illness occur at home, what you can’t treat or cure from your medicine cabinet, you usually can from the corner drug store or the emergency medical clinic in the shopping center next door. When those same injuries or illnesses occur on your boat, you need to be more self-sufficient. Having a well-stocked Read More