Reliable Diesel Fuel Matters

Diesel fuel is the lifeblood of the main engines and generators aboard every yacht. If left unmanaged, diesel fuel quality can degrade rather quickly rendering it harmful rather than helpful to an engine. The first step in assuring reliable fuel is developing a three-part fuel preventive maintenance program: sampling, testing and polishing. As with all Read More

What’s Growing in my Fuel Tank

DEVELOPMENT OF MICROBIAL GROWTH IN FUELS Microbial contamination is not specific to any one fuel type – marine, aviation, automotive and home heating fuels are all susceptible. Similarly there is no single specific organism that can be identified as being responsible for degradation and spoilage. As a general rule, wherever fuel and water come into Read More

Words of Wisdom from the Diesel Doctor

“It is therefore of vital importance to be absolutely fanatical about keeping the fuel clean. Yet so many boat owners treat their fuel system with indifference..The result is that 90% of diesel engine problems result from contaminated fuel.” That quote is by Nigel Calder, the dean of do-it-yourself boat maintenance, from his Boat owner’s Mechanical and Electrical Manual. And Read More

What is the stuff that clogs my filter?

Written by Captain Jeff Werner Filter clogging can have several causes. For example, low temperatures can cause wax crystallization, which can lead to filter clogging. An example would be using summer diesel in cold weather. Wax or paraffin is part of the diesel fuel. Chemical incompatibility may cause dramatic filter clogging. This may happen when Read More

Cruise with Confidence with ValvTect Marine Fuels

Wherever you are cruising this summer, you’ll find Certified ValvTect Marinas along the way to help make your cruise free of fuel related problems. Even though your boat’s engines may be well maintained and in good shape, fuel related problems, such as plugged fuel filters, fuel pump or injector failure, can shut your engine(s) down Read More

What is diesel fuel “algae”?

Written by Captain Jeff Werner Algae are a life form found in water, similar to algae growing in an aquarium. Algae do not live in fuel and it requires sunlight to grow. For years, people have been referring to tank sludge and the jelly, slime and other contaminants found in fuel filters as “algae”. The Read More

How to Reduce Your Trips to the Fuel Dock

The summer is here, and what is more important than saving money and avoiding the trips to fuel up your vessel? Here are some tips that might help you save in the long run while still enjoying your time on the water. Fuel Additives: Many of the fuel docks that you visit likely offer the Read More

What is diesel fuel?

Written by Captain Jeff Werner Diesel fuel is a very complex mixture of thousands of individual compounds with carbon numbers between 9 and 23 (the number of carbon atoms per hydrocarbon molecule). Most of these compounds are members of the paraffinic, napthenic or aromatic classes of hydrocarbons (HC). These three classes have different chemical and Read More

How can I protect stored fuel for a long time?

Temperature, humidity and condensation are very important factors in managing fuel integrity. The presence of free water provides a medium for microbiological growth that result in the formation of slime and acids causing corrosion of metal surfaces such as storage tanks, pumps and injectors. Therefore, good housekeeping and purchasing clean, dry fuel from a reputable Read More

Isn’t my filter supposed to keep my fuel system clean?

Filtration simply cannot and will not do that. At best, filters, separators and centrifuges remove debris suspended in fuel before fuel reaches the engine. Stopping, preventing or reversing the process of fuel breakdown is a completely different matter that can be addressed by and resolved with a combination of magnetic and chemical fuel conditioning. It Read More