Safe Harbor Trade Winds

Marina discounts available
Slip Information:
  • Total Slips: 485
Marina Phone: 706-541-1380
5577 Marina Parkway, 
Appling, GA 30802
View Marina Website

Safe Harbor Trade Winds, tucked away on the tranquil shores of Lake Strom Thurmond, is tailor-made for anyone in need of some peace and quiet beneath the towering Georgia pines. Within two hours travel from the urban hustle of Atlanta, and within 30 minutes of Augusta, Safe Harbor Trade Winds’ 206 acres of lush lakefront wilderness provides the perfect back-drop for a weekend of fishing, cruising, family fun or simply resting up after a long week in the office. The courteous, professional staff and well-maintained docks, FUEL and PUMP-OUT service facilities let you keep the focus on the R-and-R.
Marina discounts available

Cruising Club Discounts

5% discount on fuel for all transient boaters.