Dataw Island Marina

Slip Information:
  • Total Slips: 82
  • Max Length: 70'
Marina Phone: 843-838-8410
100 Marina Drive, 
Dataw Island, SC 29920
View Marina Website

Dataw Island Marina is located on a private, gated island. We offer competitive fuel prices and a full service boat yard. Our 50 ton travel lift makes for a happy insurance company and can be a real bonus in your wallet. If you plan to leave your boat for long term, we offer secure wet slips and dry yard storage and we can even polish your bottom while you are here. Live aboards are welcome and the Dataw Island Club offers great packages to offer you access to the amazing facilities & amenities this island has to offer. Some of these amenities include, 2 world class golf courses, croquet courts, 8 Har-Tru tennis courts, an indoor & outdoor swimming pools, a community/fitness center and very fine dining in the Club House. The friendly marina staff’s webbed feet are evidence of their local knowledge about boating and the surrounding area. Docking for transients is a breeze on our large, outside face dock. Our restrooms are always clean and available, and bicycles are provided for a ride around beautiful historic Dataw Island. Dinner on site at Sweetgrass Restaurant is always a treat and the Outpost is open for lunch. Dataw Island is so much more than a marina. It’s a resort community that you can enjoy at marina prices. It’s the perfect home for your vessel. We invite you to come see it for yourself. Transient boaters are welcome for the night, week, or month, etc. We’re sure you’re going to like it here.

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