Crescent Yacht Club

Slip Information:
Marina Phone: 315-649-2560
P.O. Box 399 Independence Point, 
Chaumont, NY 13622
View Marina Website

We are a social organization committed to providing a warm friendly environment conducive to fun, pleasure boating, racing and special events, at a reasonable cost, conducting a quality Junior and Senior sailing program, and providing a warm welcome atmosphere for visiting boaters, so they will want to return.Crescent Yacht Club offers a full service bar open Tuesday 6-9pm, Thursday 6-11pm, Friday 6pm-12am, and Saturday 5pm-12am. Visiting yachts from reciprocal yacht clubs may enjoy their first nights stay at CYC for free. After the first night, our dockage charge is 75 cents per foot. We ask that you sign our guest register located on the table in the foyer as you enter the clubhouse.